Time is money. Diligence and timely performance are of great significance at our work. We follow these rules, which are extremely important for business, scrupulously, not only in our daily work, but first of all in matters referring to our clients. We initiate and execute the tasks entrusted to us systematically. Thanks to constant assistance in administrative law issues, we ensure the continuity of our clients’ businesses and provide them with a possibility to attain company goals.
We offer necessary and comprehensive assistance:
- in drafting of and giving opinions on all kinds of reports, documents and applications in administrative proceedings and proceedings in administrative courts.
- in matters concerning the issue of concessions and permits for carrying out business activity – including permits resulting from real property law and building processes.
- in giving opinions on agreements concerning the privatization of enterprises,
- we prepare complaints,
- we conduct compensation cases.
We carry out all our activities in cooperation with our clients. Thanks to the trust of our clients, the lawyers of ARKANA Office represent their interests fairly and act as their representatives before public administration bodies and administrative courts.